Speaking at Broadcast's commissioning conference he said that the channel was planning to "radically upgrade" its on-line services for the channel next year. It has currently had success with Newsnight's broadband offering along with Working Lunch, the lunchtime business programme.
He said that there would be a pilot scheme next year which would help give a vision of what a fully broadband offering might look like.
"It may well be that the real value comes from a completely different relationship with the audience," said Keating.
He added: "We will start at the website - upgrade that and move it in to broadband. We want to have as full a service as possible."
During the session he said it would be an "experiment" to see what happens if you take a whole channel brand into an internet space and pointed to the broadband service on Newsnight which has rejuvenated the on air show.
As well as full programmes, the BBC2 service could include catch-up, teasers and previews but admitted there could be a number of issues with rights for programmes.
"We have taken the strategic view that between the four channels we are putting the most effort to test out what broadband can mean," he said.
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