The BBC has updated its HD specification and commissioning requirements and stated that all network programmes must be delivered in HD by April next year.
The revised guidance includes the types of cameras that can be used for in-house and independently produced shows and comes ahead of the launch of an HD simulcast of BBC1 in the Autumn.
The guidelines state that HD is now the standard delivery format for new BBC network commissions.
It says: “Along with many other broadcasters we now take the view that HD is becoming standard technology across television production, and many of our programmes are already being delivered in HD. From April 2011, we will expect all network programmes to be delivered in High Definition. HD delivery should be discussed as part of the commissioning process, with any significant production challenges shared at that point.”
The BBC says it will provide support for producers working in HD including advice on equipment, workflows and cost management and training.
For further details are available at
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