The BBC has confirmed that the lucrative preferred solutions slots being battled over by Sony and Panasonic are still open to competition.
The BBC has confirmed that the lucrative preferred solutions slots being battled over by Sony and Panasonic are still open to competition.

Sony's XDCam and Panasonic's P2 camera, arguable the leaders in tapeless production, are both still strong runners. It had previously been suggested by industry sources that the BBC had already made a decision.

BBC head of production technology Paul Cheesbrough denied the claim. "We've evaluated the tapeless offerings through a number of tapeless trials and have been pleased with the results. Feedback has been passed back to the manufacturers and we are waiting to see how each of them responds."

Tapeless systems from Ikegami, JVC, Panasonic and Sony have all featured in the trial. Cheesbrough added: "I'd expect to see some firm decisions on a preferred solution or solutions towards the end of the summer."