The BBC has invited three disabled students to share their experiences of university life in a series of video diaries and blogs.
The diaries are the latest addition to Ouch!, a BBC site that reflects the lives of disabled people. It links to disability
issues in BBC shows such as EastEnders and also produces its own podcasts, features and interviews.
The diaries aim to give an insight into what campus life is like for young people with a visual impairment, cerebral palsy and deafness, as they navigate the challenge of engaging in lectures and social activities with a team of carers.
“Leaving home, finding new friends and living independently is tricky enough but when you have to deal with them all in one go, it can be chaotic,” said Damon Rose, senior producer of the site. “I often speak with disabled students who are taking on a small workforce of assistants. Not many 18-year-old students have to think about staff management, insurance and payroll.”
The weekly diaries went live this month and Ouch! plans to follow them throughout the academic year.
Production company BBC Learning
Producer Damon Rose
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