The BBC is set to increase the number of shows based at Dock10’s studios at MediaCityUK after it struggled to keep pace with a minimum spend agreement with the facility.
The BBC signed a ten-year contract with Peel Media Studios Ltd (known as Dock10) to rent studio and production facilities at MediaCityUK on a pay-as-you go basis.
Under the terms of its contract, the BBC has to spend at least £82.8m over the period to 2020.
But a report by the National Audit Office (NAO) into the BBC’s move to Salford found that as of September last year the BBC’s requirements for some of the studio services had been less than planned, resulting in a £500,000 underspend against a contractual minimum of £2.8 million.
The NAO said the BBC is now considering how it can increase its use of the studio space at Salford to bring it into line with the contractual commitments.
Shows that have been based at the studios at Dock10 include the blind audition rounds of the second series of The Voice UK, Baggage and The Sarah Millican Television Programme.
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