IBC 2013: Atomos has shown a pre-release version of its Spyder field monitor and colour calibration tool.
Developed in partnership with Datacolor, the Spyder has initially been made for use with the Samurai Blade (pictured).
Implementation with other Atomos recorders will be available soon, Atomos said.
With Spyder, the Samurai Blade gains the ability to accurately calibrate to the SMPTE Rec 709 colour space with a D65 white point with 100% gamut.
“We believe colour accuracy and calibration is the most important issue facing today’s professional productions,” said Atomos founder and chief executive Jeromy Young.
“Being able to trust the colours on a monitor while setting up the shot with RGB, luma parade and vectorscope tools means perfect results every time and professionals spending far less time colour correcting in post.”
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