The channel will be uplinked using Arqiva's Eurobird satellite and will be available on EPG slot 841. The channel will run 24 hours a day.
The interactive video channel, which is fronted by bingo callers from its UK clubs network as well as TV personalities, was launched in 2006. It was the first bingo channel to launch in the UK.
Gala TV manager Anna Conley said: “Arqiva has indirectly provided services for us over recent years and we selected the company for this direct contract due to the nature of the service package it was able to offer - the team is giving us experience, reliability and efficiency, tied up in a cost-effective offering.”
John Bozza, director of broadcast sales at Arqiva's Satellite Media Solutions division, said: “We invest heavily in our facilities to ensure that we are able to meet the needs of our customers and, as a result, won a variety of new contracts in 2007.”
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