NAB 2014: AJA has launched LUT-box, a mini converter to allow monitors to display accurate colour space and look for any SDI video signal.

The company said users could easily load 3D LUTs at up to 17X17X17 points using the integrated USB connection and free MiniConfig software on either Mac or Windows.

Simultaneous outputs support both HDMI and SDI monitors from a single LUT-box. 

The box supports standard .LUT, .TXT, .3DL and .CUBE 3D LUT formats and features two 3G-SDI inputs and a 2-channel RCA analogue audio output.

AJA President Nick Rashby said: “With the growth of high dynamic range capture and post workflows, knowing that your monitor is displaying the right colour space is essential.

“LUT-box is affordable, small, really simple to use and our early testers tell us it’s a ‘no-brainer’ addition to their kit to ensure that they’re working in the correct colour space.”

LUT-box will be available in May for around £415 ($695), including a universal power supply and USB cable. 
