“Proof that you don’t need to be nasty or aggressive or a wind-up merchant to make a good film.” Read on for the verdict on last night’s TV.
“There were quite long stretches in the film when you weren’t quite sure where you were going or why it was taking quite so long to get there but that in itself seemed to round out the portrait of Tanzanian rail travel, rather than get in the way.”
Tom Sutcliffe, The Independent
“The strongest aspect of this marvellous film is that Langan never lets it become simply a picaresque portrait of charming incompetence, comic corruption and exotic scenery. The state of Freedom Railway is, at its heart, a tragedy.”
Tim Dowling, The Guardian
“…sad yet this was a permanently cheerful programme. (Langan) living proof that you don’t need to be nasty or aggressive or a wind-up merchant to make a good film.”
Matt Baylis, Daily Express
“Nearer a Great Railway Adventures than Dispatches…his film was bigger on fun that analysis…I laughed plenty.”
Andrew Billen, The Times
“It’s a testament to his skills that he actually made Swedish grub look good.”
Matt Baylis, Daily Express
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