“A sad film that rightly offered no definitive conclusions.” Read on for the verdict on last night’s TV.

Kidult: Marathon Boy, BBC4

“The film showed you three dimensions, a world in which a charitable ambition could begin to look like exploitation and child welfare like a kind of abuse. Nobody came out if it well, except perhaps Budhia, who at least came out the other side.”
Tom Sutcliffe, The Independent

“A sad film that rightly offered no definitive conclusions. But perhaps by the end, as we saw Budhia playing a game of tag at school, the eyes looked a little more alive as he ran towards his friends.”
Lucy Mangan, The Guardian

“In the film’s most disturbing sequence Budhia finished a 42-mile run in 7hr, only for Das to urge him to continue running in the tropical heat to a nearby stadium, where dignitaries were waiting to congratulate him.”
Ed Potton, The Times

The Secret World of Whitehall, BBC4

“This left you a little uncertain about who was the villain and who was the hero. Civil servants, after all, don’t get elected by anyone, and can be masterful at dulling the edge of political will. Then again, there are times when you’d be very grateful for someone to do some bluntening.”
Tom Sutcliffe, The Independent

Leaving Amish Paradise, BBC2

“In 2009, documentary film-maker Andrew Tait followed the Stoltzfus family – Ephraim, Amanda and their children – as they began to question aspects of their Amish faith. Two years on, they turn out to have been something of a Lollardian vanguard.”
Lucy Mangan, The Guardian

The Model Agency, Channel 4

“This programme is priceless because it really does show what goes on in the world of haute couture far more than any po-faced denunciation of the lifestyle of the very thin could ever do.”
Virginia BlackBurn, The Express

Better With You, 5*

“The US import really got into its stride this week with a subject close to British hearts: moving house.”
Virginia BlackBurn, The Express
