“She really should stick to acting.” Read on for the verdict on last night’s TV.

“She really should stick to acting. Was last night’s show patronising? Is there a moustache in Mexico?”
Virginia Blackburn, The Express

“It’s not exactly The Shawshank Redemption, but television loves a journey so here we had Lily’s arduous odyssey from glamorous mega-fame to boring old “reality”. “
Alice Jones, The Independent

“You don’t really disappear by letting a camera crew follow you around, at work and at home, for an intimate three-part documentary. And this silly clothes thing clearly isn’t going to work because both she and her sister are rubbish at it.”
Sam Wollaston, The Guardian

Marilyn: the Last Sessions, More 4

“The best part were the reels and reels of archive material, including footage of the infamous JFK birthday serenade, when, after fluffing her entrance, she was introduced with macabre presentiment as “the late Marilyn Monroe”.”
Alice Jones, The Independent

Agony & Ecstasy: A Year with the English National Ballet, BBC4

“It was a frightening insight into the dedication it takes to make it in ballet, one that made the Fame mantra “right here is where you start paying, in sweat” seem like light banter.”
Alex Hardy, The Times

Stanstead: The Inside Story, Channel 5

“We all love travelling, as witnessed by the number of celebs fronting their own TV shows, but rarely do we get to see the what actually goes on behind the scenes of national airports.”
Virginia Blackburn, The Express
