“Surprising and refreshing.” Read on for the full verdict.


Berlin, BBC2

“The visual gimmicks were not only distracting but at times unfortunate.”
Andrew Billen, The Times

“So many history programmes take a vague, meandering ‘look at this… look at that’ approach that it was surprising and refreshing when our presenter, the BBC correspondent Matt Frei, set out a strong argument at the start.”
Matt Baylis, Daily Express

What is Beauty?, BBC2

“Anyone hoping that Matthew Collings’s film might answer the question it posed in the titled will have been disappointed, since, judging from the film itself, Beauty is pretty much anything you want it to be.”
Tom Sutcliffe, The Independent

When Boris Met Dave, Channel 4

“A confused, half-man, half-donkey affair composed of real interviews and very unrealistic acting.”
Matt Baylis, Daily Express
