The inaugural NAB Sports Evening was hailed a roaring success by participants – despite the odd broken bone and gashed forehead.
Around 40 manufacturers and resellers attended the Object Matrix-organised event, which aimed to provide some respite from the tech talk in the trade show halls.
Described by Neil Anderson of NMR as the “the most fun I’ve had in Las Vegas while keeping my clothes on”, staff from BBC Wales, AJA, Avid, AA Media, CentralParq, CIS (USA), NMR, MOG Solutions, Glookast, Root6, Vidispine, Cantemo, Orange (France), France Televisions, Ivory, Re:fine, Cambridge Imaging Systems and Tradefair strapped on their shin pads and trainers to take part in “wheezingly unfit” rounds of touch rugby, 5-a-side football and dodgeball matches.
Star performers singled out by Object Matrix’s Nick Pearce included Avid’s Ben Nemes for his hat trick in the 5-a-side football and Vidispine’s Erik Ahlin who scored his first-ever try.
Blood was shed when Tom from CentralParq and Flavio of CIS bumped heads, while Jon from Object Matrix broke his finger playing dodgeball.
Plans are already afoot to organise another evening of sport at IBC in Amsterdam.
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